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Question about Scientology terms...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:40 am
by pusiwillow
I know a Scientologist that says they completed "Exec Status One" and is now on to "The Org Series".

What I want to know is: What does this mean?
I googled it but I couldn't figure it out. All I found was this:

The Organization Executive Course $25,600.00
This course contains the basic laws of organization. Primarily intended for Scientology Organization Executives, its policy letters are slanted toward a Scientology Org (shortfor organization). However it covers any organization and contains fundamentals vital to any successful or profitable activity. LRH Prerequisites: Student Hat, Method One and Staff Status II."

How far into Scientology is this person? I know she is on Staff but I'm not sure what level she is. Could she be Clear? Or does these courses come before The Bridge? And did she really have to pay over 25k for that course??? She gets discounts for being on Staff right? (This stuff gets confusing to an outsider LOL) Any clarification or info is appreciated.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:10 am
by Grundy
you got it. Org series is the organizaiton executive course. Policies on all aspects of the organization.

Exec Status 1 are courses that train in person in the basic policies that an executive must have.

And usually, if they are staff, they get them for free, but if they leave, they are charged to full amount.