Post Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:34 am

Please help give names to places

I'm an Anon, and I am awed by the courage and resilience all of you have shown. I can't imagine what it was like for y'all, not even close.

I've got a post over in the activism forum, but I wanted to make a special request here. There is so much about Staff and Sea Org that the world doesn't know about. I would like to help expose the CoS for what it has done to you and wants to do to others.

I am trying to map Sea Org/staff berthing, buildings, etc. Hopefully seeing how widely spread the tentacles of CoS are will cause the public to take notice. No one should live in the conditions you survived, and there needs to be a big light shining into those dark places.

Pm me if you wish, or send me an email at, or just post in this thread.

Bless all of you. Here is the map: If you would like to see what the CoS doesn't want you to see, check out this map at :

For a worldwide look, check out: KMZ placemarks:
Go sightseeing with scientology!